This comprehensive therapeutic framework includes addressing the following issues: ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Addictions (eating disorders, sexual addiction, pornography addiction), Abuse (sexual abuse, emotional and physical abuse, spiritual abuse, cult abuse), Domestic Violence, Trauma, Victim of Sex Trafficking, Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution Skills, Inter-generational Therapy, Family Therapy, Individual Therapy, Child and Adolescent Therapy, Group Therapy, Intensive Formats, Telehealth, Childhood Trauma, Women’s Issues, Approaches to create a physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy and balanced lifestyle. This is not an inclusive list of needs that can be addressed or accommodated.

Hands holding the word therapy

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy is offered for children, adolescents, and adults. Unhealed core issues from an individual’s life very often impact and limit the experience of current well-being. Identifying, addressing, healing, and releasing these wounds and resulting limiting core beliefs are a focus of the individual work. This frees the individual to experience greater well-being, satisfaction, joy, and productivity in life. Many limiting beliefs and patterns are actually transmitted down through the generations. In our sessions together, we will work to identify and release them.

Coming into an understanding of our unique and authentic identity allows for transformation in all areas of our lives. Freedom, joy, and the ability to give and receive love are part of a life lived in fullness. Blocks to experiencing all that we have been created for are addressed and removed so that life can be rewarding at its highest and most fulfilling level.

Couples Therapy

In the 30 years of doing couples therapy, I have found that many couples experience repetitive patterns of relating that are limiting their joy, connection, and intimacy.

The exciting journey of couples’ work focuses on gaining and improving communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and developing greater emotional connection and physical intimacy.

Unhealed root issues in each individual’s life that are limiting joy and wholeness are identified and healed. Therefore, allowing each individual to be free from limitations which then facilitates increased well-being experienced by the couple.

For many years, I have done conferences, intensives, and ongoing couples therapy that are devoted to sexual integrity and focus on the issue of healing and recovery from infidelity, pornography, and other sexual addictions. It is important to know that there is help and healing is possible from the pain and woundedness that these behaviors create. When couples engage in this healing journey, they find that their communication and connection are more rewarding than it has ever been.

Faith Based Therapy

Faith Based Therapy

Spirituality and faith are central in many individuals’ journeys in life of experiencing greater well-being, health, wholeness, and fulfillment. The exploration of living the fullness of one’s original and unique design and calling Is part of the human purpose and experience.

For those individuals who find it valuable, a faith-based, spiritual framework of therapy to explore this beautiful journey is offered.

Many people, unfortunately, have had negative or toxic religious experiences in their life or upbringing.  Healing from negative spiritual experiences, trauma, or spiritual abuse is available so that each individual can be free to experience the fullness of who they have been created to be. Love is the only basis of an authentic spiritual reality and healing from any spiritual experience which has left an individual feeling unloved or devalued is available in this dynamic of therapy.

Natural Approach to Mental Health Imbalances

There are individuals who may be experiencing the discomfort of imbalances, created by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and more. Many of these individuals have also experienced the unwanted side effects of medication that they have taken to address these issues. Unfortunately, many people are challenged with what they perceive as the only two alternatives: to take medication and experience unwanted side effects or to go without medication and just deal with the symptoms of anxiety or depression. However, there are simple, natural assessment tools, and supplement protocols, which are completely natural and do not have side effects. These supplemental protocols which are offered in conjunction and collaboration with clinical platforms actually bring the system back into balance rather than just masking unwanted symptoms. These alternative assessment tools and supplementation are available.